Mooncake festival

So, last Wednesday was Mooncake Festival aka Lantern Festival. But who celebrates a festival for only a day? Usually one week, right?

My aunt would definitely not miss this event to bake mooncakes. She baked mini white lotus mooncakes with salted eggyolk, specially for us kids. Without the egg yolk, the plain white lotus moon cake is too sweet for me.

Last Saturday, my neighbourhood committee also took this chance to organise a small Mooncake Festival Party, where families living in the neighboorhood could join in the fun. A simple, Malaysian-friendly food was prepared by the committee. Of course, they did not forget to prepare the main characters for this party - mooncakes and lanterns.

I tried to take some good shots, but... no skill means no skill.

Surprisingly, I was able to catch a "full moon" shining right on this lantern XD

Kids playing fire during lantern festival is a must!

A beautiful scene where the Chinese teaching other ethnics how to play with the lanterns, fully displayed Malaysian spirit!

Well, that's all I want to report in this post. Till next time~


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