Manga: Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu
Hey!! This manga, written and illustrated by Minami Kanan, is a story of perseverance, not giving up and choices to make in life. Genre: Drama, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life, Shoujo, Comedy Status: Completed Chapters: 102 chapters Other Media: Anime About: The story starts with Hibino Tsubaki who is a hard-working middle school girl who dresses old-fashionably and always braids her hair. As she enters high school, she wants to change for the better by dressing cutely, but does not bring herself to do so. She dresses as always and goes to a new high school which is not of her choices. Not being in the school she desires and failing to be in the first place in the entrance exam, she is curious as to whom is the top student. It turns out to be a long haired guy who doesn't seem to care anything, yet he is handsome and popular - Tsubaki Kyouta. Tsubaki then finds her in the same class with Kyouta, what's more, sitting next to him. Her impression of Kyouta is o