BPT result

Finally, ICAEW result came out yesterday. I have never been so worried about my result (usually I start to feel something on that day itself).  However, this subject is an exception. 

For one,  if I do not pass this paper in the previous semester, I must retake this semester as if I have to retake next semester,  there will be changes due to the change in tax year. Moreover, there is BREXIT. We would have to learn a lot of new things again.  

For two, this is the hardest paper for professional level. From what I heard from my lecturers,  this paper was brought down from advance level,  which is why the low passing rate.  Advance level paper is known for applying knowledge instead of knowledge dumping. Knowledge dumping won't gain much marks as we can bring in any reference books and hard copy to the examination hall.  It's good that we can bring in those books,  but it's bad in another way as they are too distracting and tempting.  You would tempt to reference to get the perfect mark,  but you would lose time instead. 

I would post more regarding ICAEW examination after I pass my last paper.  It would talk about the difference in CFAB and ICAEW papers and maybe share some info of how I pass the papers. 

Oh, and I passed!!


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