Manga: Switch

Hello there!

Bored of the usual love manga? Then, what about Switch written and illustrated by Naked Ape, where an unusual friendship love is portrayed?

Genre: Drama, Action, Mystery, Psychological, Shounen

Status: Completed

Chapters: 13 Volumes, 69 Chapters

Other media: Anime

About: This manga is all about catching drug dealers and drug users involving Narcotics Control Department (NCD). However, the "protagonist" of this manga is "Switch", where it is rumored to kill a lot of people. The drug is so deadly that it is coveted by Ryuugen, a chinese smuggling drug ring. However, due to an incident, the whereabouts of "Switch" is unknown and the truth about the incident is buried. In order to find "Switch" and the truth, Hal Kurabayashi joins NCD with Kai Eto as his partner. Unlike the gentle and innocent Kai Eto, Hal Kurabayashi is a brilliant new investigator when comes to work. He will use his charm and intelligence to catch the criminals, by all means, as opposed to Kai Eto who tries to catch them without harming anyone. So, how will these 2 narcs with different personalities work together? However, being an NCD proves that Kai Eto has the potential. He keeps a secret from everybody, including himself (which means he does not know the secret too). What is Kai Eto's potential and what secret does he keep that he himself does not know of? Follow this manga to uncover the truth!

This manga is more towards a series than a drama (when you start to read). However, as the story revolves, the series are linked and all the stories do make sense in the end. At first, you might be bored of this manga as it looks as though it is just a typical day of narcs catching criminals. However, please bear with it. They are all needed to make the ending an exciting and unbelievable one. Truly and luckily, my expectation is fulfilled and I totally love the ending. In fact, I hope for more, but I think Naked Ape made a wise choice of ending it the way it is now. 

Now, the drawing of this manga... It is not the best, and it is not the worst among the mangas that I have read. Why do I say so? While the drawing is clean and neat, I have a hard time differentiate some characters. There are a few characters that almost have the same face. So, when they are separated, I couldn't tell who is who (it may be just me....). Overall, the manga is good and I totally recommend it to those who want a little excitement.

The anime of Switch is not one of the cases in manga, it is a totally different cases but of course, it does relate to "Switch". It has only a few episodes, so no harm checking it out. 


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